2018年6月7日,愛力蒙特首席產品官魏貝贊先生、商業渠道發展部總監張澤旺先生一行受邀前往意大利摩德納省與意大利Target集團進行戰略簽約合作,受到Target集團CEO Mr. Fausto、市場&產品戰略總監Mr. Andre Mattioli、出口部經理Miss Margherita Pucci熱情接待。
In June 7, 2018, Mr.Wei Beizan,CPO of Element and Mr. Zhang Zewang, director of commercial channel department were invited to Modena province, Italy for establishing a strategic partnership with Target group. Both Mr. Wei and Mr. Zhang were warmly received by Mr. Fausto, CEO of Target group, Mr.Andre Mattioli, director of market & product strategy and Miss Margherita Pucci, manager of export department.
Element' delegation has visited the headquarters, factories and exhibition halls of Target group, and gained new insight about product technology and application of Fuoriformato.
During this trip, Element and Italy Target group established a strategic partnership and reached an agreement on the agency for Fuoriformato product, a sub-brand of Target group. This signifies that Element will move forward constantly its commitment to bringing more trendy products with Italian creation art for Chinese consumers and designers.
(愛力蒙特CPO魏貝贊先生和Target集團CEO Mr. Fausto)
Target集團成立于1997年,位于意大利摩德納省費奧拉諾莫德納塞市,憑借獨特的藝術設計和一流的產品質量,品牌享譽世界。Fuoriformato是Target集團旗下品牌,專注于1000*3000 *6mm厚度的瓷質大板生產與應用的意大利手工彩繪創意藝術品牌,主打手工彩繪與定制,推崇專屬定制與前沿技術的結合,是科技與藝術的結晶。產品主要在高端家居與商業室內外空間等多功能應用。
Target group was founded in 1997 and is located in Fiorano Modenese city of Modena, Italy. Its unique artistic design and first-class product quality earn itself globally renowned reputation. Fuoriformato, a sub-brand of Target group, focuses on the production of big slab in the thickness of 6mm and the application of Italian creation artisanship. Specializing in handicraft and customization, Target Group keeps advancing the integration of exclusive customization and high-tech. Its products, seen as a result of science and technology and art, are mainly applied in high-end residential spaces and other commercial spaces.
Through the exclusive innovation of the handicraft technology.Fuoriformato manages to achieve the diversity of the humanities in the the texture of large-size ceramic tiles, which fully meet the personalized needs of high-end customers.
愛力蒙特是中國高端瓷磚新秀品牌,此次通過與意大利Target集團達成的戰略合作,將愛力蒙特產品的時尚元素、自然元素、健康元素的中意原創設計、展示、應用與Fuoriformato 完美融合。同樣,對于Fuoriformato來說,在其業務版圖中,中國市場占據著舉足輕重的地位,接下來雙方將會在陶瓷大板產品設計、生產工藝、產品應用等多個領域高度合作,有更多的中意原創設計手繪藝術高品質產品呈現給中國消費者。
Element is a new highend brand in Chinese ceramic industry. Its strategic partnership with Target will perfectly integrate the design, display and application of China-Italy originality explained by Element's fashion, naturalness and health ideas into Fouriformato.
Meanwhile, for Fuoriformato, the Chinese market plays a pivotal role in its business layout. Both sides will move forward their in-depth cooperation in various areas, including the design of big slab, production technology, product application and so on. In days to come, more high-quality products featuring China-Italy originality handicraft art will be presented to Chinese customers.
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